
Use Box and Slider to present your media content in a cool way.

Media components include things that have to do with large media objects like Images, Video, Audio, etc.

Material Box

Material box is a material design implementation of the Lightbox plugin. When a user clicks on an image that can be enlarged, Material box centers the image and enlarges it in a smooth, non-jarring manner. To dismiss the image, the user can either click on the image again, scroll away, or press the ESC key.

Material Box sample image

Creating the above image with the effect is as simple as adding a materialboxed class to the image tag.

<img class="materialboxed" width="650" alt="Material Box sample image" src="images/sample-1.jpg">


  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const elems = document.querySelectorAll('.materialboxed');
    const instances = M.Materialbox.init(elems, {
      // specify options here


Name Type Default Description
inDuration Number 275 Transition in duration in milliseconds.
outDuration Number 200 Transition out duration in milliseconds.
onOpenStart Function null Callback function called before materialbox is opened.
onOpenEnd Function null Callback function called after materialbox is opened.
onCloseStart Function null Callback function called before materialbox is closed.
onCloseEnd Function null Callback function called after materialbox is closed.


All the methods are called on the plugin instance. You can get the plugin instance like this:

                  const instance = M.Materialbox.getInstance(elem);

Open materialbox;

Close materialbox


Destroy plugin instance and teardown



Name Type Description
el Element The DOM element the plugin was initialized with.
options Object The options the instance was initialized with.
overlayActive Boolean If the materialbox overlay is showing.
doneAnimating Boolean If the carousel is no longer being animated.
caption String Caption if specified.
originalWidth Number Original width of image.
originalHeight Number Original height of image.


It is very easy to add a short caption to your photo. Just add the caption as a data-caption attribute.

<img class="materialboxed" data-caption="A picture of a way with a group of trees in a park" width="250" alt="Sample image for Material Box with caption" src="images/placeholder/800x400_d.jpg">


Our slider is a simple and elegant image carousel. You can also have captions that will be transitioned on their own depending on their alignment. You can also have indicators that show up on the bottom of the slider.

  • Sample image for first slide

    This is our big Tagline!

    Here's our small slogan.
  • Sample image for second slide

    Left Aligned Caption

    Here's our small slogan.
  • Sample image for third slide

    Right Aligned Caption

    Here's our small slogan.
  • Sample image for fourth slide

    This is our big Tagline!

    Here's our small slogan.

<div class="slider">
  <ul class="slides">
      <img src="images/placeholder/800x400_a.jpg" alt="Sample image for first slide">
      <div class="caption center-align">
        <h3>This is our big Tagline!</h3>
        <h5 class="light">Here's our small slogan.</h5>
      <img src="images/placeholder/800x400_b.jpg" alt="Sample image for second slide">
      <div class="caption left-align">
        <h3>Left Aligned Caption</h3>
        <h5 class="light">Here's our small slogan.</h5>
      <img src="images/placeholder/800x400_c.jpg" alt="Sample image for third slide">
      <div class="caption right-align">
        <h3>Right Aligned Caption</h3>
        <h5 class="light">Here's our small slogan.</h5>
      <img src="images/placeholder/800x400_d.jpg" alt="Sample image for fourth slide">
      <div class="caption center-align">
        <h3>This is our big Tagline!</h3>
        <h5 class="light">Here's our small slogan.</h5>



  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const elems = document.querySelectorAll('.slider');
    const instances = M.Slider.init(elems, {
      // specify options here
      /** Optional function which generates ARIA label for each indicator */
      indicatorLabelFunc: (idx, current) => {
        let label = "Go to slide " + idx;
        if (current) {
          label = label + " (Current)";
        return label;


Name Type Default Description
indicators Boolean true Set to false to hide slide indicators.
height Number 400 Set height of slider.
duration Number 500 Set the duration of the transition animation in ms.
interval Number 6000 Set the duration between transitions in ms.
pauseOnFocus Boolean true If slider should pause when keyboard focus is received.
pauseOnHover Boolean true If slider should pause when is hovered by a pointer.
indicatorLabelFunc Function null

Optional function used to generate ARIA label to indicators (for accessibility purposes).

It receives the current index, starting from "1", and a boolean indicating whether it is the current element or not.

If not specified, the generated label is going to be the current index.


We have methods to pause, start, move to next and move to previous slide.

All the methods are called on the plugin instance. You can get the plugin instance like this:

                  const instance = M.Slider.getInstance(elem);

Pause slider autoslide


Start slider autoslide


Move to next slider;

Move to prev slider


Destroy plugin instance and teardown



Name Type Description
el Element The DOM element the plugin was initialized with.
options Object The options the instance was initialized with.
activeIndex Number Index of current slide.
eventPause Boolean Indicates whether the slider is paused by a focus/mouse event or not.

Fullscreen Slider

You can easliy make this slider a fullscreen slider by adding the class fullscreen to the slider div. Here's a quick demo.

Open Demo