Time Picker

Select a single time with the support of the awesome Timepicker.

<input type="text" class="timepicker">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  const elems = document.querySelectorAll('.timepicker');
  const instances = M.Timepicker.init(elems, {
    // specify options here
Name Type Default Description
duration Number 350 Duration of the transition from/to the hours/minutes view.
container Element || String null Specify a DOM element OR selector for a DOM element to render the time picker in, by default it will be placed before the input.
showClearBtn Boolean false Show the clear button in the Timepicker.
defaultTime String 'now' Default time to set on the timepicker 'now' or '13:14'
fromNow Number 0 Millisecond offset from the defaultTime.
i18n Object See i18n documentation. Internationalization options.
autoClose Boolean false DEPRECATED Automatically close picker when minute is selected.
twelveHour Boolean true Use 12 hour AM/PM clock instead of 24 hour clock.
vibrate Boolean true Vibrate device when dragging clock hand.
onOpenStart Function null DEPRECATED Callback function called before modal is opened.
onOpenEnd Function null DEPRECATED Callback function called after modal is opened.
onCloseStart Function null DEPRECATED Callback function called before modal is closed.
onCloseEnd Function null DEPRECATED Callback function called after modal is closed.
onSelect Function null Callback function when a time is selected, first parameter is the hour and the second is the minute.
onInputInteraction Function null Callback function on input field interaction.
autoSubmit Boolean true Condition to auto submit selected date to input field, 'true' condition will remove the confirmation buttons.
onDone Function null Callback function on confirm interaction.
onCancel Function null Callback function on cancel interaction.
Timepicker Internationalization options

Use these in the i18n option to localize the timepicker.

Key Text
cancel 'Cancel'
clear 'Clear'
done 'Ok'
Name Type Description
el Element The input element the plugin was initialized with.
options Object The options the instance was initialized with.
isOpen Boolean If the picker is open.
time String The selected time.

All the methods are called on the plugin instance. You can get the plugin instance like this:

const instance = M.Timepicker.getInstance(elem);

Show hours or minutes view on timepicker


String: The name of the view you want to switch to, 'hours' or 'minutes'.


Destroy plugin instance and teardown


DEPRECATED Open timepicker


DEPRECATED Close timepicker